We flew out of Idaho and through a few hours of Nevada before crossing into our 5th state: Utah, making a bee-line for the Bonneville Salt Flats!
It felt a little other-worldly being surrounded by the nearly-blinding acres of white salt crust. There wasn’t much relief from the 95-degree beating sun but we were inspired to frolick and flaunt our superhero powers. Next came stick-horse races and donning of bird and butterfly wings, and other general tom-foolery.
The frolicking fortunately only resulted in one bloody nose (Aven’s first- from the hot dry air?), but no bloody knees or elbows or other body parts amazingly (how I don’t know!). Aniya even tried out gma’s travel potty in the isolated emptiness which she seemed to enjoy.
Sorry (but not really), we couldn’t help ourselves with more perspective opportunities:
After seeing the Great Salt Lake and heading through Salt Lake City, Katie got a surprise visit to her childhood home in Sandy Utah! She was overwhelmed by the flooding happy memories of walking where she learned to ride a bike, made bike jumps in the culdesac, and remembering racing the flash thunderstorm rain across the neighborhood…flashing back nearly 30 years is quite a trip!
Road Trip Stats:
- Total Miles Driven: 1,199
- Total construction sites driven through: 16 (two times we sat for 20-25 minutes to get through).